Having heard the exciting news about the Link update in Super Mario Maker 2, it got me thinking: how could we make best use of Link’s skill set? Making a fun, challenging level in Super Mario style is an art form in itself! It’s important to consider the type of level you wish to design. Do you want a fast paced level which might favor using the dash attack, or a dungeon inspired one where you can make use of arrows to hit switches?

Discovering hidden paths has always been a thrill for me when playing these games, and with Link’s abilities, it opens up a lot of options. Bombing walls that lead to the top of a level and running to the end is perhaps not the most unique, but it will bring a sense of nostalgia! You could also design a level as an ode to The Adventure of Link, making use of the down thrust to take out enemies.

So, how would you make best use of Link’s skill set in Super Mario Maker 2? Are you looking forward to exploring levels in new ways? Do you think Link’s abilities will make major changes to how you design levels? As always, these daily debates depend on your thoughts, so share them in the comments below!

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