I’ve talked before about a number of Zelda games that didn’t quite click when I first experienced them, but managed to grip me on subsequent playthroughs. Today, though, I’d like to talk about the opposite. Sometimes the initial shock and awe of a hotly anticipated game is enough to carry me through on a wave of excitement, only to fade over time. There have been a few instances where that has happened for me in relation to Zelda titles, where that release window hype has given way to milquetoast replays. What about you? Have any Zelda games fallen from your favor over time?

The most prominent example for me is The Wind Waker. When I was younger, and had played far fewer Zelda games, The Wind Waker was among my most cherished gaming experiences. I was swept up in the gorgeous presentation and the colorful characters. The high points of the adventure were all that stuck in my mind. Over time, however, I have found The Wind Waker to provide a less satisfying experience than most Zelda games. It’s harder than it used to be to ignore the linearity at the beginning, the hand-holding throughout the game, the underdeveloped dungeons, and the lengthy segments of unskippable dialogue. The game can still be a lot of fun, but I see it as little more than an occasional novelty, rather than the classic I once considered it to be.

What about you? What Zelda games don’t hold up as well as they once did for you? Why has this occurred? Let us know in the comments below!

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