In an article a couple of weeks ago from Kotaku’s Peter Tieryas he did an editorial on why Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is his favorite game in the Zelda series. He goes into very deep details on what makes the game so special to him. However, that’s not what caught my eye when it came to this article. It was the title of said article that got my attention, “Zelda’s ‘Black Sheep’ Is My Favorite In The Series”.

The term black sheep is generally used for the outcast of the family; somebody or someone who did not live up to the standards others were expecting of them. The Adventure of Link was the sequel to a game that many considered one of the greatest video games of all-time, so expectations were high on Zelda II. What gamers got instead was a game that dramatically shifted its gameplay tone. It has been over 30 years since the game’s initial release and there have some that have looked at it in a different light.

We’re at a point where there have been enough Zelda games for that title of black sheep to either be shifted elsewhere in the franchise, or to be retired in its entirety. Now the only exception I’m going to ask for this debate is to not include any of the Zelda CD-i games. Not only do they feel like the most obvious targets, but they are not relevant to the overall lore of the Zelda series in the long run.

Do you believe that The Adventure of Link is still the black sheep of the series? If it isn’t, which Zelda game do you believe deserves that title now? Let us know in the comments below!

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