Okay, let me get this out of the way first: I absolutely love Addison! When I bumped into him for the first time, I immediately understood the kind of help he needed and what I was supposed to do. The fact that he doesn’t quite understand how physics works, combined with his personality, clumsiness and devotion to his boss Hudson makes him, at least for me, an extremely charismatic and funny character.

With that being said, I realize that this extensive and curious task (which is not even classified as a side quest) divides the opinions of Tears of the Kingdom players a lot. On the one hand, I see how one would love to find and help Addison as he struggles to keep his sign upright. On the other, I also can understand those who think this mission is kind of boring, repetitive and not appealing at all, which also can be a valid point.

Particularly during my playthrough, I found that helping him provides an interesting and innovative challenge, while at the same time his theoretically simple puzzles lighten up things for the player in midst of a game that can be extremely challenging and chaotic at times. Well, that’s not so much the case when Addison has an obsession with wanting to place his sign on a steep terrain or on the edge of a lake, while being surrounded by monsters.

Furthermore, doing these chores for him doesn’t force the player to deviate too much from their path, as this is the case with the hunt to find Korok Seeds (again), especially when we have to help the Koroks to reunite with their friends while carrying an extremely heavy backpack. Talk about busy work. Also, Addison’s chores break this (sometimes overused) mold from challenges that are just variations of “take something from point A to point B”.

Now we want to hear from you, reader: Do you dread to see Addison struggling with his sign in the distance while walking through Hyrule? Do you just simply mark his location on your map and move on? Or do you completely stop what you are doing to help him? Let us know in the comments below.

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