
Welcome to our new weekly feature, Blast From the Past, where we present exclusive never-before-seen content from all your favorite games!

This week we take a closer look at the crazy dancing A Link to the Past commercial. Have you ever wondered who was in it? What the lyrics meant? How they came up with the idea? Or maybe even wanted to learn the dance? 20 years after its debut, BerriBlue brings you all new content related to the zany 1991 advertisement, including an exclusive interview with the producer!

“Did you know that Link is a girl? She’s a high school student we found through our audition. Link, the hero of The Legend of Zelda, is male, but when we were thinking about how to put it into live action we decided a boyish-looking girl would be better than a real boy. The two people remaining after the final audition were this girl and current TOKIO band member Tomoya Nagase, who was still unknown at the time. Link didn’t end up being played by a professional, but when the commercial aired the girl’s popularity led to a rush of inquiries.”

That’s right! Link was a girl! And Zelda’s actress was famous. Not to mention they had 3 Ganon puppets on set. Wonder whose closet they’re sitting in now? Click here to see the rest of the interview along with lyrics, a translation, actor profiles, and full choreography! Stuck in your head yet?

Sorted Under: Zelda News
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