With the release of Majora’s Mask 3D last weekend, this week’s Cosplay Feature is of the mischievous Skull Kid. The Cosplayer, Alana (aka Toki-MMMC of Deviant Art), pulls this costume off fantastically, and everything she is wearing was made by her!

Check out photos of this Cosplay in the gallery below: did you notice the details in the leggings? She actually made the legs and arms whilst wearing them! I think that’s amazing…probably because I couldn’t do that myself, though. To make the arms and legs, Alana wore dark stockings on her arms and legs, then pasted pieces of craftfoam to the stockings. She did a brilliant job at making it flow together and not look messy.

What do you think of this weeks Cosplay? Have you ever Cosplayed as a Zelda character?

Don’t forget to tag cosplays on twitter with #ZIcostume, or post your own Cosplay pics in the comment area!

Source: Toki-MMMC of DeviantArt

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