Four days late and a dollar short, we’ve finally picked our winner for the Hylian Shield Giveaway. I was originally planning to pick the winner on Monday, but unfortunately I had to push back the date to Friday due to some personal struggles. Then a magic thing happened: I had time tonight to sort out the entries, which ones were valid, and then complete the random selection. We have just over 250 valid entries, and we thank everyone who entered. The winner is…


You can either send an email to or simply send me a private message right here on the site. Once again, thank you to everyone who entered. You can buy your own Hylian Shield right here. I am also happy to say our next Giveaway will involve some Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask Songrings. Not sure what those are? No worries, it will all be explained when we launch that giveaway next week!

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