zeldarom4_zps49089f9e Over the past couple of weeks I have showcased all sorts of collections. Each collector has followed a fairly similar setup of listing items. However, this week’s Collection Spotlight is very different. Words cannot express or list the hundreds of items that Zelda fan, Anne Martha, has. While she uses very few words to describe her collection, the pictures and the items themselves more than make up for that. Hit the jump to dive into what may be the biggest collection we have seen yet.


My name is Anne Martha, known as “Ikhana” on the internet. I’m a 27-year-old Norwegian, and I work as a teacher. The first Zelda game I played was A Link to the Past. My favorite game is with no doubt Majora’s Mask.

I collect anything and everything having to do with Zelda. It would be hard to list everything here, because I have around 1000 items. My most precious item is a Twilight Princess prototype GameCube controller. The seller who sold it on eBay in 2012 wrote that he thought there were two of these in existense. But the designer Alfredo Tato only knows about this one. It is truly special in many ways, and I’m so glad it is a part of my Zelda collection.

Right now, my collection is stored in a tiny room at my parent’s house. I’m hoping to display everything in a better way in a much bigger room in the near future.











Weekly Collection Selection:
This week’s Collection Selection is inspired by all of Anne’s plush dolls as well as the large desire I have seen on the internet. It seems that many people are in love with the Link plush dolls. Here is one of the many for sale online. While this is something out of the realm of my collecting, I have seen many posts from excited fans who received these and added them to their collections. Also, this week’s selection is a nice breather for everyone’s wallets after the pricey items from the past couple weeks.

This is just one of many available, but I just included this to act as a jumping off point for further searching. These plush dolls come in many sizes and varieties. Happy hunting and I hope you find an addition that makes your collection even more unique.


In closing I ask, would you like to see your collection spotlighted on the website? Do you want to share how you got into Zelda and show off the items you are proud of owning?

Send me an email at tyler@zeldadungeon.net. Include some pictures, a little background of who you are, how you got into Zelda, your first Zelda game, a listing of the items you have now, what you hope to own in the future, and your favorite item.

Please do not be frightened or discouraged when you see these showcases. I’m receiving emails from collectors who are hesitant to have their collections featured even though they are quite good.

Also feel free to comment on whatever you like. A personal favorite of mine was the giant Link statue, how about you? What type of items would you like to see in the Collection Selection? List it below and I will attempt to find it for sale!

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