If you like your Zelda with random and funny on the side, you will love this walkthrough video. It is not a walkthrough in the traditional sense of guiding through the game but more like just gameplay. GameSocietyFilms on YouTube has a series of videos called “Walkenthrough” videos. Along with The Legend of Zelda, there are also walkthrough videos of several other various video games including Super Mario World, Minecraft, and Skyrim, to name a few. Take the jump to see the video!


I really like these videos and not just the Zelda one. They are all very fun and funny to watch. I think Jason Stephens did a great job at impersonating Christopher Walken. It was spot on, in my opinion. Do you think he did a good job or could it have been better? What did you think of the video? Let us know in the comments!

Source: YouTube

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