CryZENx has done it again, bringing Zelda to life in Unreal Engine 4. He uses the prebuilt Kite world for Deku Link to play around in, otherwise all the other work is his own… outside of the sound effects and the background music. He does a fine job syncing Deku Link’s animation with the sound affects for a really fluid demo.

It should be noted that CryZENx is facing accusations of stealing indie music currently. We have yet to discover the source of the music used in this demo, so if any of you are willing to do some detective work, that would be lovely. We want to get a hold of the original creator and see if they granted permission for use. Until this is resolved, we may be passing on all future content this person creates. We firmly stand against the stealing of other people’s work – but it is possible he has full permission. He has yet to comment on it – but maybe CryZENx will now that we’ve pointed it out.

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