We’re four months late posting this, but it doesn’t change how awesome it is. This is the video version of comic #300 titled A Simple Request. Some of you may actually recall Brawl in the Family from 2009 when we posted the Ode to Minions. Of course, some people are a tad lazy to click the link, so here is their 200th comic, Ode to Minions:

Truly awesome, even a year and a half later. Of course, I did say Brawl in the Family is a constantly ongoing comic series that seems to be in many ways the same vein as “Penny Arcade” is today, except if you can’t guess by the name it almost always is associated with Nintendo characters. The musical comics are actually a rare production for the series, so here is a taste of more of their normal stuff. Here is comic #331, The Victor:


Did you guys enjoy the comics? Would you like us to continue to post them? Let us know in the comment section!

Source: Brawl in the Family

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