With less than 10 hours left for the next Nintendo Direct to go live, Best Buy has given us yet another hint at Majora’s Mask 3D‘s possible release date. Although the Standard Edition of the game appears with a “Not Yet Announced” date, and the Limited Edition version still has a placeholder release for December 31, their listings for both versions of the Prima guide have been recently updated. As if to confirm recent speculation involving the ad stating the release of the New Nintendo 3DS, the guides’ new release date are listed as February 13, 2015.

After the recent “leaked” ad mentioned above, which features Majora’s Mask 3D alongside the New Nintendo 3DS, coupled with other rumors stating the vary same day, it’s kind of hard not to take this as some form of confirmation now that an actual retail store has updated listings with that same release date. Granted, it’s not the actual game that has been updated. It’s still important to note that guides don’t usually release before the game itself comes out. Hopefully tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct manages to put an end to all speculation and provides us with an official day in which we can expect Majora’s Mask 3D to come out.

Source: Best Buy

Sorted Under: Zelda News