Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 2.10.18 AMWe’ve always known that A Link Between Worlds is a sequel to 1991’s classic A Link to the Past, but before the game’s official announcement, there was talk that Nintendo was going to remake A Link to the Past. In a recent article from Official Nintendo Magazine, Aonuma delves into the reasoning behind his desire to build a brand new game. Hit the jump to see his insights!

As it turns out, the reason is pretty simple. According to Mr. Aunoma, it was Shigeru’s Miyamoto’s idea to remake A Link to the Past in 3D. Whether this means with 3D graphics, or as a 3D Classic on the Nintendo eShop is uncertain. However, Aunoma wanted to incorporate brand-new gameplay elements, namely the ability to turn into a drawing, citing it as an example of gameplay that has never been seen before in the series.

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What do you think? Is the ability to turn into a drawing enough of a gameplay change for you? Is it a good enough reason to make a brand-new game, rather than remake a confirmed classic? Sound off in the comments!

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine

Sorted Under: A Link Between Worlds