After that tantalizing teaser from E3 last week, there’s been much speculation on the nature of the mysterious blue arrow which Link shoots at the robotic monstrosity he faces.

Carefully kept separate from the non-blue, non-glowing arrows in his quiver, this shiny new plot twist is currently keeping us guessing as to its significance. While it’ll probably be a while until we get a definite answer on the bow and arrow of The Legend of Zelda‘s future, Arcade Arms’s new video should remind you why Link’s bow has always been an amazing weapon.

The fans at Arcade Arms recruited the help of skilled bowyer and all-around wilderness expert Greg Anderson. Through Anderson’s expertise, we get a look at the processes behind the creation of a legitimate hunting bow, all the way from the tree to the final, hero-worthy weapon. His particular interpretation of the legendary weapon results in a 60-pound force to be reckoned with.

As if this weren’t enough already, professional archer Patricia Gonsalves is brought in to show us why we leave the real archery to the pros. Not only to we get a glimpse into some truly spectacular shooting on some of The Legend of Zelda‘s most common enemies, we get to see real “bomb” arrows in action!

So what are you waiting for? Check out the video and comment below!

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