WindWakerHDSoon to be a father during the development of The Wind Waker back in 2003, Zelda developer and producer Eiji Aonuma decided to instill a bit of a fatherly figure that would in a sense, look out for his son when he would play it in the future. Of course who other than the King of Red Lions would fit this role? Among all other Zelda titles Aonuma worked with, the Wind Waker is particularly special to him with all the sentimental value it has to offer. In this interview with 4Gamer, Aonuma also briefly mentions Tingle’s origin.

Hit the jump for what Aonuma had to say!

Having worked on several Zelda titles prior to The Wind Waker, it seems only natural that Aonuma would include something so delicate and personal in his works. After all, Aonuma did admit to thinking of Link as his other child. Given the opportunity to write some character lines, Aonuma did so using the King of Red Lions.

4Gamer: Based on what you have said, Wind Waker seems to be a major work in your life.

Eiji Aonuma: Isn’t it? We created it just as my son was born. At that time, I thought that I would like for my son to play this. The lines spoken by the Red Lion King boat that Link rides were written by me. Since I had just become a father, I had him speaking in a self-important manner that children would understand. (laughs).

4Gamer: So at that time, those lines were messages directly from you?

Eiji Aonuma: When you read it again 10 years later, you wonder “What’s this guy trying to say?” (laughs). When I think back to my perceived image of a father figure back then, I’m a little embarrassed. As a result, the dialogue of the Red Lion King became a little more “mild” for the remake. When my son first played it, he felt that he was “too preachy.”

Oddly enough, the name Tingle was influenced by someone in real life.

4Gamer: He had his ups and downs. Speaking of which, who is Tingle based on?

Eiji Aonuma: Basically, there is no model for him, but I have heard that our designer once had a friend named Tingle long ago. (laughs).

Aside from Tingle’s origin, Aonuma’s intentions are quite touching. Seeing as how Aonuma’s concern for his son would go as far as to mildly look out for him when he would eventually play the Wind Waker. Did the King of Red Lions ever remind you somewhat of parent? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: 4Gamer via Nintendo Everything

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