For those of us old enough to remember, there was a rather epic demo shown off at SpaceWorld 2000 for what Zelda “could be like” on the Nintendo GameCube. It’s actually a very similar ideal in terms of the Zelda tech demo for Wii U, and like back in 2000 we likely won’t be seeing the new tech demo graphics in our next Wii U Zelda game, despite popular demand. Eiji Aonuma opened up in a recent interview about his exact thoughts on the SpaceWorld demo:

“I saw that movie and I thought, ‘No, this isn’t Zelda. This isn’t Zelda at all.’ I felt like this wasn’t what I imagined Zelda to be. It wasn’t the Zelda I wanted to make. That video clip didn’t actually contain any big surprises. There wasn’t any kind of revelation going on. It was more like a continuation of the previous version. … I wasn’t interested in it at all.””

Obviously, this could help explain the drastic change that led to the art style in

The Wind Waker. Eiji Aonuma has an even bigger say today than back then, so what he likes and dislikes truly matters more than ever before. Did he like the tech demo for the Wii U? Who knows, but I am guessing it didn’t exactly tickle his fancy.

Source: IGN

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