Starting on June 11th, Zelda Dungeon will be hosting a live Zelda Marathon to kickoff the summer. Beginning at 12pm US Central Time, the Zelda Dungeon team will be live streaming virtually every single Zelda game in a span of just over 100 hours. This will include all of the major console titles, every handheld Zelda game, including Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, all three of the dreaded Philips CD-i Zelda games, and even some of the more obscure Legend of Zelda games that you may or may not know even exist! That’s not all, we will be hosting live Zelda Trivia, showcasing a lot of other Zelda material, and even some secret surprises.

The stream will last over 4 days long and will not conclude until virtually every single Zelda game has been completed. In addition to the live stream, we will have an embedded chatroom, along with multiple webcams setup so that you can interact with the staff. At the live event you will see many of the past and present Zelda Dungeon webmasters and personalities, including my fellow webmaster Caleb Simpson. Over the course of the marathon, Zelda Dungeon will be taking donations for the Child’s Play Charity, along with other donation drives that are closely affiliated with Zelda Dungeon. Additionally, throughout the marathon Zelda Dungeon will be giving away over $1000 in prizes to fans, including video game consoles, games, Zelda collectibles, and miscellaneous Nintendo and video game merchandise.

It is sure to be a special event for all of us here at Zelda Dungeon and it is something that truly has been years in the making. We look forward to seeing you there! June 11th, mark your calenders!

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