I am always looking out for interesting creations by fans of Zelda, and even more so when it involves my favorite entry in the series. Reddit member Illumafire recently posted a few pics of their latest project, a recreation of the map from A Link to the Past built in Minecraft. Many of the original locations found in the game have bee perfectly remade however the map is still incomplete. Right now it mostly encompasses the far western half of Hyrule. This includes the region around Kakariko village, the haunted grove and the desert of mystery. Although some of the details are still missing such as the sand temple. Updates are still coming in as they continue to work on it.

Jump inside to check it out for yourself.

I have seen a lot of various minecraft creations in the last few years, but I really loved this one. This is a near perfect recreation of the map from ALTTP. Which is a game I would love to see in 3D. Even if it is still in 16 bit graphics. This definitely took a lot of time and skill to accomplish. I cannot wait to see the final map when he is finished.

Source: Reddit

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