Game-Map-02Garfield creator Jim Davis has been talking video games in his most recent interview with Venture Beat. Admitting his partial hiatus from the gaming world, Davis talks about his new project Garfield: Survival of the Fattest, an upcoming mobile game that looks to be in the same vein as the likes of The Simpsons: Tapped Out or FarmVille. It is doubtful that this game has much taken from the Zelda formula, but make the link to check out the interview in which Davis talks about the franchise!

As you can see from the above, the upcoming Garfield title will be a ‘Free to play’ game designed perhaps for Garfield fans and younger audiences. In the interview with Venture Beat, Davis talks about how he briefly played games from the Atari era and also “RPG games like Zelda”. Perhaps this means we will see some Zelda references in this game? It is doubtful, as the project is being developed by PixelOwl, who have “a lot of creative control according to Davis”. Here is a link to the interview itself if you’re interested.

Would you like to see Jon Arbuckle lifting the Master Sword? Would you like to see Garfield harnessing the power of the Ocarina of Time? You probably never will, but be sure to join in the discussion below!

Source: VentureBeat

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