This is possibly the most epic project to ever exist in the Zelda fan kingdom, and we have done a pretty horrible job in covering it. Good thing it doesn’t phase ZREO’s crew (okay, so we really have little impact on fan projects), as they have just presented the world this 10 minute preview of their current work, which includes a professional choir and over 20,000$ worth of production value. Needless to say, this is a big project and one they are going to go the extra mile to do right. Here’s what ZREO’s team has to say on the project:

What I personally hope you’ll discover is what I’ve known since the very start: that Twilight Symphony is much more than just a “re-mix” project or a “re-arrangement” album. Heck, it even goes beyond ZREO’s standard status quo. It’s why we’ve been so secretive about it—up until now. Our passion for this music is deep and heartfelt, and our goal is to bring you the story of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, as you’ve truly never heard it before.

Remember to keep following the project over at ZREO’s website.

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