61DrIzBV6ZL._SY500_After E3, us Zelda fans have been left with some awesome new content concerning the new Wii U title for Zelda and Hyrule Warriors. A long with this great information given, thanks to Nintendo Everything we have been told that Amazon is taking pre-orders for the two titles.

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Hyrule Warriors and Zelda Wii U have been the talk of the town lately, if you’re looking to buy either of the games right now and get it as soon as it comes out for the public to play, you are in luck. Amazon has made both titles available for pre-order. Unfortunately Zelda Wii U still hasn’t been given an official release date or cover art. Hyrule Warriors on the other hand, has been given its title art, which was announced a while back. Both are available for $59.99.

Are you going to pre-order either of these games or will you wait to buy it at your local game store? Comment below!

Source: Nintendo Everything 

Sorted Under: Hyrule Warriors