The End of the World

lol Families?This post features another bomber’s article from Zelda Informer’s collection. This particular piece was chosen to be featured because the author did extensive research to prove his points. There isn’t just some evidence, but all the evidence is found and put forth in context. Direct quotes are pulled from the game and used to show just how in depth the game goes into the psychological make up of the characters who are faced with the end of the world, or at least, the world as they know it. The game examines several characters throughout the three day period including the girls of Romani Ranch, the Mayor, the carpenters, the guards and Anju and Kafei, etc.

After this extensive research and analysis, the author concludes his thoughts with this:

Family. This is the most important thing to have when the world is about to end. Money and social status no longer mean anything. All that matters at this point is being close to those you love. If the world is to end, all you can do is huddle together with people you know and wait for the end to come. After all, you cannot take material belongings with you to the afterlife. All you can do is cherish the present moment, and there’s no better way to do that than let your friends and family know you love them.

This is certainly the message that the game developers were trying to convey. Nearly all of the characters that were examined show similar sentiments. Is this really the most important thing at the end of the world? This is after all a game, and not real life. Do you think that you would be with your family if you were confronted by the end of the world, or are there more important things to do? I’ve been of the opinion that you should live it up before your life ends, but maybe I’m immature in that way. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask