Tag: Zelda Dungeon Top

  For having so few people, the Zelda games sure do feature a lot of graveyards. I don’t know if a case of plague swept through recently, but there seem to be as many headstones as there are denizens of Hyrule. Regardless of these seemingly unsustainable demographic trends, Graveyards have provided some neat things to do as well as a unique spooky aura in a number of Zelda games, and in today’s ZD Top; our staffers recount five of their…

Though we here at ZeldaDungeon obviously love Zelda, our passion is not confined merely within this great series. There’s always room for growth in anything, and Zelda is no exception. In this Thanksgiving Day installment of the ZD Top 5, we look at power-ups that have made appearances in other Nintendo titles that we think should be brought over to Hyrule.