Tag: Zelda Companions

Welcome back to another edition of our weekly Zelda Dungeon Talks! Throughout the long history of The Legend of Zelda franchise we have been introduced to many different types of characters. Whether they be passersby, arch enemies, inquisitive little faeries, or our beloved companions, we have seen many! Sometimes the most memorable character in a game is the companion you take with you along the way, they become your guide, your friend, and on occasion absolutely indispensable to the game….

Is Navi really a pest?

September 21 2013 by Parker

“Hey, Listen!” Who could have predicted in 1998 that these two innocent words, articulated by a winged ball of light, would become the bane of countless Zelda fans? Yet besides Kaepora Gaebora’s notoriously long-winded speeches, the infamous catchphrase of Link’s fairy companion Navi is probably the most common points of criticism leveled at Ocarina of Time. Detractors claim her often-repeated exclamations are unbearable; her personality obnoxious. Not even Tingle is demonized to such an extent. When faced with such vocal and ingrained…

Any Legend of Zelda fan knows how annoying some of Link’s companions have been in the past. They nag you constantly about minor issues, shouting “Hey! Listen!”, laughing at you through the Wiimote, or just spouting some gibberish that nobody on the face the planet can understand. I don’t think that these guides were put in the games just to agitate the user. They honestly believe that you should know that your batteries are low or that enemies can take…