Tag: Two

Hello readers! Brian here with the tenth edition of “The Best and Worst of Zelda.” Last week we covered plenty of the series’ final bosses, but for completion’s sake, I thought it fitting to make this second post focusing on everything I left out! That’s right, every single final boss will be covered! Next week’s theme has already been determined, but feel free to write in your ideas for the future. So, let’s get right to it!

Alright guys, got a new video. This is a video I decided to do recently after repeatedly hearing these two arguments or criticisms against Skyward Sword. The first is that the controls are unresponsive, and the second is that Skyward Sword has sold poorly. I have come to the definite and final conclusion that both of these criticisms are completely false — though you’re free to disagree — and I thought I’d do a video as to why. Enjoy! You…

Username anvavna on YouTube recently sent us this amazing music video that he made, “Heart of Courage” The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword AMV. This music video uses the song “Heart of Courage” by Two Steps from Hell, a song that is well-known from its usage in Mass Effect 2’s Launch Trailer and also in its credits. I actually remember watching that trailer when it played in a TV commercial for the game. It was an awesome trailer that easily…