Tag: The Minish Cap

Alright, well here it is: The last leg of the journey. The final destination. The Minish Cap’s end dungeon! Now this is an interesting one. Hyrule Castle is visited surprisingly rarely in the series, and when it is it’s usually a hostile place under enemy control. And as was the case in Twilight Princess, Hyrule Castle is again the final dungeon. It’s kind of funny too, because at first it seemed like The Minish Cap broke this tradition: It’s one…

That’s right, Zelda Dungeoners; second analysis of a Link in two weeks. I must warn you, in this editorial, and the upcoming one on Vaati, you may experience déjà vu to some degree, likely due to the similarity in backgrounds of Four Swords’ Link and The Minish Cap’s Link, as stated in my previous editorial. As for Vaati, well, he’s one-in-the-same, but this time he still has his memories. But why am I talking about Vaati? This is about Link!…

It’s hard to think of a race–save maybe the Hylians and Twili–who are more prominently featured in a single game than the Minish. These diminutive, mouselike, easily underestimated creatures are pitched as explanations for a number of things that never really had to be explained. I don’t think most gamers questioned how rupees ended up in bushes or jars, or exactly what was going on in Hyrule at a microscopic level. But the Minish bring a new depth to the…

As Zelda fans, we have undoubtedly been subject to the greatest variety in art style and graphics in a single video game series. We’ve seen 2D, cel-shaded, 3D, 2D cel-shaded, realistic, impressionistic, and variations of those listed. People always have very different opinions on which one is the best and why. So that’s what I’m here to discuss. I shall explain each art style or graphics implemented by each game, and then you can simply pick which one is your…

There are a variety of different enemies in the Zelda series that are constantly changing. But, some enemies have been in the series for almost all of the games and have changed dramatically between games. One of these enemies is the stalfos. I’m not going to lie, when I played my first Zelda game; this enemy killed me about ten times because it was so hard being a new Zelda player (Skyward Sword). But after doing more extensive research, I’ve…

Back in early 2012, I started to rebuild The Minish Cap Walkthrough that we have here at the website. This was shortly after the game was released as part of the Ambassador Program on the Nintendo 3DS. I thought that it was inevitable that it would eventually become available to the public for the 3DS. Well, over a year has passed and we are still waiting! In last months Nintendo Direct it was announced that Game Boy Advance games would…

One of the projects I started back in 2012 was upgrading The Minish Cap Walkthrough in anticipation for its inevitable release on the Nintendo 3DS eShop. Well, over a year has passed since the game was released as part of the Ambassador Program on the Nintendo 3DS, but yet, the game still isn’t readily available to public for purchase. I’m sure that announcement cannot be that far off. Seriously, this is a certain money maker for Nintendo, I wonder why…

In last week’s editorial, I reviewed some of Zelda’s early music, jumping around every few years or so. Not unlike the other outstanding qualities of Zelda games, the music has improved markedly through the ages. What started out as a fledgling franchise grew to become one of the biggest inspirations in gaming today and the soundtrack boasts an equally impressive legacy. Just as Zelda ages gracefully like a fine wine, the nostalgic if somewhat primitive music of yesteryear is just…

Zelda remixes are usually a pleasure to listen to as they give the music a more modern and sometimes more enjoyable experience. YouTuber DJtheSdotcom has just recently uploaded his own remix of the Molgera boss battle from The Minish Cap and it is a beauty. The way the composition has been changed allows for an eccentric fast paced beat to play throughout the song which should please at least a few of you. You can find the video of this…

Today’s Fanart Spotlight features an ongoing colaboration project by the people over at Game-Art-HQ called Link’s Blacklist, a tribute to the baddies of The Legend of Zelda series. Dozens of artists are participating, and while it will still be a few months before all the entries are completed, some amazing pieces of work have already emerged from this project. One of entries has already been featured here on Zelda Dungeon, and several artists who have been featured on this site…