Tag: Tecmo Koei

Aonuma was recently asked why Zelda fans that have never played Dynasty Warriors should be interested in Hyrule Warriors—and his answer is pretty convincing. Find out what he said after the jump!

Whether you’re curious about how female characters will be handled in the upcoming Hyrule Warriors, or are simply curious about the process of merging two beloved franchises together, your curiosities will be quelled, all thanks to Polygon’s recent interview with the game’s producer, Yosuke Hayashi. Read on for the details!

In an interview with Zelda Dungeon, Yosuke Hayachi revealed that Hyrule Warriors would include original playable characters in addition to characters from previous titles.

Click through to see excerpts from the interview.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I think Hyrule Warriors is shaping up to be a great game. However, since the E3 gameplay only showed the use of Bombs and the Fire Rod, it’s understandable to be a little concerned that they might leave out some of the most iconic items from the series. Fortunately for us a recent interview with Hyrule Warriors producer Hisashi Koinuma and the rest of the staff has brought some of this information to light. You can find the quotation after the jump.

Anyone who has investigated the upcoming Hyrule Warriors knows that the game is being developed collaboratively between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei. Tecmo Koei will be bringing several of the gameplay elements from their Dynasty Warriors series into Nintendo’s world of Hyrule, hopefully for the better. The game certainly won’t play exactly like a traditional Legend of Zelda title, but there is nothing wrong with that. Click through to see why.

It’s a very simple question, but it could have a very complex answer. For me, it hasn’t changed my opinion at all, but I already had a solid opinion of what Hyrule Warriors is and my excitement for it, to the point that nothing else really matters. The King of Hyrule could be playable and it wouldn’t change how I think about the game.

Sometimes Japan has all the fun, and this is certainly the case for their Hyrule Warriors Collectors Edition. Even if you end up not liking the game, many might feel it is worth the price of admission just for this clock. Here is hoping we get a surprise special bundle announcement for the game so we in the United States (and Europe) can also get something equally awesome. Head inside for a larger image.

Hyrule Warriors is heading our way this September, so the lid is being lifted on much of what we can expect in the game. Along with this screenshot blowout comes a slew of new details. Head inside.

As news about Hyrule Warriors continues to come in, new information about the roster of playable characters in the upcoming entry in the Zelda series is up for speculation. We’ve seen four playable characters at this point—Link, Impa, Zelda, and Midna—but according to a speaker during Nintendo Treehouse’s demo today, we’re in for more female characters. The speaker divulged that “at least half” of the roster will be female. Nine character slots have been spotted during demos, so between now and the Hyrule Warriors‘ release in September we’re likely to have some more reveals.

Is this good or bad news for your dream roster? Things are sure looking up for mine; I’ve got a good feeling about my girl Ashei. Let us know in the comment section!

We have a slew of exclusive content heading your way tonight, including more Hyrule Warriors gameplay (with us kicking some ass!) and our full Hyrule Warriors preview. Beyond that, we’ll be updating our Hyrule Warriors Walkthrough tomorrow with brand new exclusive video content, updated character profiles, more screenshots, information from our exclusive preview, and even a small walkthrough of the actual demo on the show floor. We aim to be your first and only source for Hyrule Warriors this year!