Tag: Return

Let’s talk about stories. To those of you familiar with my article work on this site, you will know that I have a deep passion for storytelling, and specifically, story structure. I’ve written about the monomyth — or, as it is more commonly called, the “Hero’s Journey” — and how this literary phenomenon is reflected within the Zelda series. I’ve talked at length about Joseph Campbell’s theories and their pertinence to both the series and video gaming at large. It…

Hey there guys! First video discussion in a while. I wanted to do something seasonal for Halloween, and ultimately settled on doing a few videos about the monsters in the series, starting with this one. This video is going to be about which monsters I would like to see again, because we haven’t seen them in while, or haven’t seen them in 3D, or haven’t seen them in the way I want them to appear. This is a good topic…

Our friends over at LegendZelda.net recently posted an article about how the Zelda series has moved away from its exploratory beginnings, namely the massive overworld exploration that takes place in the very first Legend of Zelda. The article’s focus is on how much exploration is needed to actually progress in the old game, but in more recent titles you have the assistance of a helper and a more linear progression of events. “This dimension of exploration added an imperceivable depth…