Tag: house theme

YouTube singer, Smooth McGroove, has released another Zelda based a cappella video, this one being a cover of the home theme present in Ocarina of Time onwards. This songs serves an addition to the singers every growing list of Zelda pieces. The singer (along with his cat) has released nearly 100 covers of various video game themes, from Zelda to Street Fighter, and overall a wide variety of Nintendo music has been covered. So hit the jump to see Smooth McGrooves…

It has been several weeks since the release of Casper’s, also known as CSGuitar89’s, full length Zelda tribute album, Hymns of Light And Shadows and as promised he has been releasing a new video once a week featuring songs from the album. His intentions with this album was to have a full length album that lasted atleast an hour. He successfully met his goal when he finally released it with a full track list of 18 songs ranging from many…