Tag: HH

Don’t you think it’s perfect that the cover of Hyrule Historia’s English version is green? Don’t get me wrong, the ancient brown look of the original cover, making it look like an old tome, was pretty awesome and, I’m not knocking it. But the green is perfect, and not just because it’s Link’s color. Surely I can’t be the only person who’s reminded of the Book of Mudora from A Link to the Past? I realize that might sound like…

Got a new discussion video for you guys. This time around I’m going to talk about Twilight Princess and its “wild west” themes. This is the stuff you see a bit in Kakariko Village or (as commenters on YouTube have pointed out) in Link’s rancher background, and even with the spurs that are used to tell you how many speed boosts you have left on the horse. But of course, it’s most obvious in the Hidden Village. Either way, there…