Tag: Game Trailers

Just when you think there’s nothing left, something new is found out about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. For a game that is 12+ years old, and has a fan-base as large as it does, its a wonder that anything about Ocarina of Time has yet to be brought to the surface. While most of its deep-rooted secrets have come to pass, there are still many questions lingering about changes to the final product, even after its release,…

In this video, the people over at Gametrailers go into detail as to what they want included in Ocarina of Time 3DS, most of which is content that was missing from the original version of the game. Among other things, this includes touch-screen controls for things like the Ocarina and the infamous iron boots, a fully orchestrated soundtrack, re-detailed landscapes and extra dungeons that may have been cut from the game originally. Personally, I’d fully embrace all of those ideas,…

Part 3 of the Game Trailers Bonus Round’s preview of E3 is now online and it covers Nintendo. There is quite a bit that is talked about during this issue but it mainly touches on a Nintendo Wii HD, the upcoming Zelda title for the Nintendo Wii, the Nintendo 3DS, the Vitality Sensor, and more. E3’s press conference is set for Tuesday June 15th, just 8 days away, so be sure to check back here at Zelda Dungeon, where we…

Love it or hate it, 3D Dot Game Heroes is now available in stores here in the US and it will be available in Europe tomorrow. In order to promote its release, commercials are popping up, and you wouldn’t believe what they thought up. If you still didn’t see the connections between 3D Dot Game Heroes and the Legend of Zelda, you surely will see them now. Take a look at the commercial below and after the jump, you can…