Tag: Dorkly

Don’t we all enjoy a video or comic to playfully poke fun at the little quarks and questions that have arisen in the Zelda community? And who better to wrap a few jokes into an animation with a ridiculous, cheesy twist than Dorkly? Put together a talking Triforce, Link’s innate silence, and a curious wish, and you have yourself a one minute short. Hit the jump to see the video!

If you payed attention starting right after defeating Phantom Ganon, then you might laugh at this comic from Dorkly. It explains the story told to Link by the Deku Tree Sprout right after completing the Forest Temple in a particularly hilarious fashion. We see a lot of these Zelda comics but this one is especially cute; you get to see Link as a baby! See the full comic after the jump.

Dorkly recently posted a new video called “Goodnight, Termina Moon” in the art style of A Link to the Past. The video is a line-for-line parody of the childrens’ book Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown which many adults have probably been read in their childhood. Link is asleep in the Stock Pot Inn while the narrator describes the items in the room, even the strange hand sticking out of the toilet in a calm, soothing voice. Looks like Links…

While in a magically-endued comatose state during the events of Ocarina of Time, there has always been some mild speculation over what actually happened, though the general story is pretty straightforward: Link retrieves the Master Sword, isn’t old enough to use his true power and become the Hero of Time and is put to sleep for seven years in the Sacred Realm while Gannondorf takes over Hyrule. But is that all that really happened? This comic parodies the Dateline series “To…

Dorkly has brought us yet another video based on Zelda. This one takes us back to the original Legend of Zelda when Link receives the sword from the hermit. In the game, it’s convenient that the hermit doesn’t ask for any form of payment in return for the sword or give Link trouble, but what if he did? In the video, the hermit tries to get Link to buy a pair of nunchucks and it all goes downhill from there….

Yesterday we reported on a Dorkly Bits piece titled Zelda’s Boyfriend, but today there is a brand new video out. This one is set in the A Link to the Past world and it reveals Ganon’s true Weakness. Much like all of these Dorkly Video clips, this one is absolutely hilarious. I love the out of the box thinking and it’s very well done. Go ahead and make the jump to check it out.

Link is Getting Creepier

December 07 2011 by Djinn

In a new comic by Dorkly we take a look at some of the various creepier situations Link has found himself in throughout the series. Here they have made a few images showing some of the stranger things Link does over the course of the series with a helpful guide at the bottom of each picture listing the creepyness level of each action. They can range from just walking into strange caves to stealing hair and underwear. Jump inside to…

Recently featured on Dorkly was a comic about the controversial topic that is The Legend of Zelda timeline. Done by internet artist, loldwell this funny comic strip pokes fun at the many timeline theories that float around the internet, and that to my knowledge no one has created a timeline with no flaws whatsoever. In this case however, it seems that someone has actually created the perfect timeline now that Skyward Sword has been released. The comic, which can be…