Tag: Author: Thomas Jacobs

Many videogames borrow from world mythology for their settings, enemies, items and so on. The Legend of Zelda is no stranger to this. It frequently borrows from Japanese mythology, European folklore and many other places. Majora’s Mask took a very different route with this, much like many other things in the game and borrowed plenty of things whose roots are African. Gaijin Goombah takes a look at this in three parts, starting with the bosses. Watch the video after the…

Throughout the history of the Zelda, series there have been many Links. With the addition of Hyrule Warriors we are now anywhere from 11 to 14, depending on if you count Young Link (Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask) and Adult Link (Ocarina of Time) as separate Links in addition to the non-canon Hyrule Warriors and Super Smash Bros. incarnations. But with all of those heroes with all their different abilities, powers, and equipment, there must be one of them who stands…

Rings make for handy magic items: they’re small, lightweight and are easy to carry in addition to your other magical gear. Finding magic rings in the Zelda games is always useful to either continue in the game, make Link tough enough to more easily survive the later dungeons or even give him a variety of bonuses. But they have only appeared in 2D games, with the last time being The Minish Cap. Perhaps it is time for them to make…

One of the recurring items in the Zelda series is the Slingshot: a handheld device Link often obtains early in the games it is in. Unfortunately for every game it appears in, it’s typically obtained before the Bow; the Bow greatly outshines the Slingshot with improved range, damage and projectiles it could carry. Is there a place for the Slingshot alongside the bow, or is it an outdated piece of equipment that should be retired in favor of the bow? Read more…

Having an animal companion with Link is a rather common theme in the Zelda games: while Epona is by far the most used and beloved of them all Link has had some different animals with him on his quest. In Skyward Sword he had his Loftwing, but in the Oracle games he was accompanied by three animal companions. These were met during the course of the games to traverse certain obstacles, and one of them could be recruited to become…

You have a very important mission ahead of you… I will wait here. That’s what we princesses have always done. From what I understand, it’s kind of a family tradition. – Princess Zelda (Spirit Tracks) If it were to be told as a legend, The Legend of Zelda is pretty much always the tale of a princess in peril rescued by a brave hero in green who vanquishes evil and restores her to her rightful throne. A few times she’s…

Ahoy! Today it be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, where we remember the Golden Age of Piracy along with our mateys over a good mug of grog and a fine shanty. But on this fine day I would like to take you salty dogs on tour of the fine lads and lasses who sail the seas of Hyrule and beyond in search of treasure to find, cherish and bury at a later time in a different spot (which incidentally…