Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah! According to a Miiverse post in the Super Mario Maker Media community, Tingle is apparently in the game as some sort of costume. For those unaware, in Super Mario Maker there are many different costumes that can both be unlocked and made available through the use of amiibo. These costumes act as “power ups”, but really serve no purpose than making an aesthetic change to Mario himself. Thus, Mario turns into pixelated versions of our favorite characters. A new screenshot in said Miiverse community seems to all but confirm a Tingle costume, though we have no details as of yet how to get it being no Tingle amiibo currently exists.

You can also call this a confirmation if you happened to see rumor reports floating around yesterday about it, of which we avoided until we could dig deeper… which is how this was discovered on Miiverse. As far as were aware, no one has found a way to post faked screenshots to Miiverse. Are you excited to make all your friends play as Tingle? I know I am. if you’re interested, we’ve known Link is present as a costume too for some time.

Source: Miiverse

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