Majora’s Mask’s masks!

Bunny HoodZelda Eternity is taking on an impressive project: for their own Majora’s Mask Month they are turning out one article per day describing each of the masks from the game. The list of masks and the order of the article is the same as it’s listed in their mask guide. A recent article was the Bunnyhood! Not a mask, but either way it’s a great read. This article is written by BunnyHoodLink, who is a member of Zelda Eternity’s forums and came up with the idea for this great project. In the article, BunnyHoodLink explains how you can obtain the mask and even some theorization as to it’s origin and inspiration.

The author says this about the Bunny Hood:

My first idea is that they designed the Bunny Hood after Pol’s Voice, big ears and eyes. That one seems the most believable to me because they look so similar. They also mention, I bet you can hear the voices in Ocarina of Time when you show the hood to the Running Man, so that is what I think. But there is a FATAL flaw in this. According to most time lines, if not all, OoT/MM comes before any game with Pol’s Voice, so that asks the question, how? Were there Pol’s Voice in the games and we just didn’t see them? Maybe there is a whole time line flaw that we need to find out. Unless Skyward Sword has Pol’s Voice then we do not know.

This is clearly a thought out piece of writing. It’s not very long, but it goes into depth and is quite insightful. Check out the full article and let us know what you think about this theory in the comments.

But this is only one article! There are 9 others that have already been published and there are 14 more masks that will have dedicated articles! Be sure to check out Zelda Eternity for more mask articles including one that will be written by our own Axle the Beast.

Related: Majora’s Mask Masks
Related: Majora’s Mask Walkthrough

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask