Majora’s Mask corruptions

majoramaskhauntv2aVinesauce recently released a video on their YouTube channel, exploring different corruptions from Majora’s Mask. The video is a compilation of numerous streams Vinesause had done on Majora’s Mask corruptions, all done by the owner, Vinny. The video features the showcase of glitches, all topped off with the humorous commentary that was recorded with the stream. This makes for some hilarious content that you might enjoy! So hit the jump to see for yourself!

The video is a great comedy, showing off different corruptions possible in the game. Things such as jumbled text to the action button becoming one with the ground are visible through out the course of the video. All of the corruptions are done using a software created by the guys at Vinesause. You can even check out the Nintendo 64 corruptor by clicking here.

But let us know what you think of the video and the corruptor! Do you love it? Do you hate it? Tell us in the comments below!

Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask