Legend of Zelda Tips and Tactics

The Legend of Zelda Tips and Tactics is an expanded instruction booklet for the original Legend of Zelda for the NES. It provides material that is very similar to what a modern strategy guide provides. I recently got my hands on this Zelda Collectible and took the time to scan the booklet and post it online. We previously had another version of the booklet available, but these newer images are of a bit higher quality. The guide includes of all sorts of official artwork, various maps, descriptions of items and enemies, as well as a walkthrough for much of the first quest.

The Tips and Tactics instruction booklet is the first strategy guide that I have included in the recently opened Strategy Guides section. This is part of my goal of expanding Zelda Dungeon to cover some more of the rare media and resources that the Zelda world has to offer. The booklet is really well done and it is certainly something worth your time to check out.

Check out our new Strategy Guides section.

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