IGN-LogoGaming site IGN have created a list within their Majora’s Mask 3D wiki page, detailing all of the differences between the original N64 iteration of Majora’s Mask and the upcoming 3d remake for the Nintendo 3DS systems. Make the jump to check out the full list of differences!

In anticipation for Majora’s Mask 3D’s release later this month, IGN has been updating the game’s Wiki guide on their site, most notably with an extremely helpful compendium of the differences from the N64 original classic. Here is a link to the extremely helpful list

One of the major and awesome differences is the ability to use the Fierce Deity mask whilst in Termina’s various fishing spots! Cool, right? Other changes including details on saving and time travel are apparent.

What are your favourite/least favourite changes about the Majora’s Mask 3D remake? Are there any changes you wish hadn’t been added? Join in the discussion below!

Source: IGN

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