Hand Drawn Link’s Awakening Intro

The intro to Link’s Awakening and Link’s Awakening DX is one that many of us are probably familiar with, as it sets the scene for the adventure on Koholint Island. Though we find out the story was all a dream, before playing through the game, the intro is very real. Or at least as real as a Gameboy could show. Our friends over at ChrisCrossMedia have applied some serious drawing skills to animate this intro! Hit the jump to see the video along with a comparison!

The first two videos are Link’s Awakening and Link’s Awakening DX hand drawn. The only difference is the Link’s Awakening video is desaturated, as the original release was in greyscale. Link’s Awakening DX, however, is in glorious color.

Before you go look up, whether on your own copy or on YouTube the actual intro, Chris has provided us a comparison video for both editions of the animation.

The animation saves the feeling of the actual intro, which is key. And while maintaining the fidelity to the source, also brings Link’s Awakening to the present day. So good the hand drawn remake is, in fact, that I think other game intro remakes would be very welcome. And that’s exactly what Chris is asking his fans. We’ll also be able to see which intro is better, depending on which video gets the most views.

Additionally, the amazing music was also brought into modern times by YouTuber skotein who, as you might already know, is the composer for the Kanto Symphony.

What did you think of the remakes? Tell us in the comments!

Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: Link's Awakening