I Choose You!

Thumbnail image for Which Princess Do You Choose?Apparently, today is cosplay day at ZeldaInformer, and I felt like joining in. With the Anime Expo, there are just too many pokemon running around without a trainer. There are also robots, giant swords, ninjas, and typical nerds; it’s madness! At least there are people there to record all the craziness. This video is made by Wong Fu Productions, and they make short films, music films, and a bunch of other fun stuff.

These guys have thought of a unique cosplay that is just as awesome as it is simple.

If you’ve never been to Anime Expo(like me), it’s fun to see all the people mingling and posing for pictures. I’ve never even been to a convention, but this video really makes me want to go to one!

If anybody has ever cosplayed, share about it! Do you make your costumes, like these guys, or do you purchase it online? At least for those of you who work at Target, you have a new use for your work uniform! Heck, you can do this for halloween, and get a few friends to dress up as Pikachu! Pikachu mass attack!

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