Zelda Wii

7) Alan Wake

6) God of War III

5) Bayonetta

4) Heavy Rain

3) Max Payne 3

2) Starcraft II

1) Zelda Wii

You might have questions about Legend of Zelda. Like, what are they really going to call this? Legend of Zelda 16? XVI? Zelda 2010? Nintendo loves keeping this game as cryptic as possible, such as the recently released concept art depicting Link with his shield, but no sword. Where the hell is the Master Sword!? Shigeru Miyamoto, in an effort to screw with us, pointed out this absence but laughed like a little schoolgirl when asked to explain it. IGN speculates that the mysterious figure pictured with Link in the concept art may be the personification of the Master Sword—adding a completely innovative dimension to the franchise.

Kombo’s preemptive best of list gets everything right—if you add Metroid: Other M and flip the 1st and 2nd choices.

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