The Ocarina of Time is considered to be one of the most sacred instruments from within the Zelda universe. It has the ability to not only give us wonderful melodies, but the power to control time itself (depending on who uses it of course). A Zelda fan that goes by the name Nobo13 has decided to take this amazing doodad and turn it into a whole different kind of instrument: a ukulele.

Dubbing this ukulele the Ocalele of Time, Nobo13 takes his love for this unique kind of instrument and makes it his mission to create this musical item once a month. The design of this ukulele is very interesting as he added the thumb holes as how they would look on an actual ocarina. And like an actual version of the ocarina, there are an additional two holes in the back that, for this ukulele, are located on the other side of the headstock (upper end of this instrument). Even the color of the ukulele is very close to that of the original hue that the Ocarina of Time had.

You may remember a previous piece of Nobo13’s Zelda work before as he had worked on and completed a Triforce-woodburned ukulele close to a year ago. The design for that one was simple, but came out looking pretty good. To see the pictures of the building process and additional images for the Ocalele of Time, check out the gallery below.

Not only is his nickname for this ukulele a great nod to the ocarina it was based off of, but it also comes out looking absolutely amazing. What do you think of the Ocalele of Time? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Kotaku

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