Movies based on video game franchises are becoming more and more popular. Films based on

Assassin’s Creed, World of Warcraft, and even Tetris are coming. With the recent news of Nintendo getting into the movie business, the immediate thoughts that pops into our heads at Zelda Informer are along the lines of, “Please, Nintendo, make a Zelda movie!” If you feel the same as we do, then buckle up, because Nintendo president Kimishima has something to say on the subject:

Asahi: Would it be movies for Zelda or Mario?

Kimishima: We’d like to use IPs that are really quite popular. But I can’t exactly say “we’re doing Mario!” All I can say is that we’ll make something everyone can enjoy.

Asahi: Well, if we’re talking movies, it seems like the Zelda series would be a good fit, considering how popular it is overseas.

Kimishima: Put that way, of course we understand that it’s something there’s a strong demand for.

Asahi: So you feel there’s many people who want a Zelda movie?

Kimishima: That’s right.

This in no way confirms that a

Zelda movie will be made, but it certainly gives us hope that it will. What are your hopes for a Zelda movie? Would you like to see it be live-action or animated? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Asahi (via Nintendo Everything)

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