Holy cow, you guys,

Hyrule Warriors comes out THIS THURSDAY in Japan, which…wait…with the time difference…oh gosh, we’re less than 24 hours away. We’re about to get flooded with information about the game from Japanese gamers and anyone who manages to import a copy, which means we’ve only got a short while left where we can ask these “what do you think HW should have” sort of questions. Specifically, today I want to ask about the secondary items.

We’ve seen the Hookshot, Bow, Bombs, Boomerang, and Bottles in action so far. Maybe that’s everything we’ll see in terms of secondary items, but I don’t want to just assume that that’s the case. There’s a plethora of items from the

Zelda series that might not work so well as main weapons for our characters, but which could still give us cool alternate effects on the battlefield to help with traversal or combat. Could the Gust Bellows appear to blow enemies away? A bag of Deku Nuts to blind enemies? A Lantern to help us explore dark areas? Iron Boots to help us withstand Wind-based attacks?

And those are just the examples that popped into my head after a minute or two of considering this topic. There’s bound to plenty more. Which items would you like to see characters whip ou—hey yeah, the Whip would be pretty good too!—whip out against the bad guys in

Hyrule Warriors? Let us know in the comments!

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