It’s no secret that Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is one of the most ignored games in the series. It’s departure from the formula of the original NES Zelda title threw fans for a loop who were expected a masterful sequel. I am in the minority that appreciates Zelda II, as hard as the game is. it’s elements such as side-scrolling, leveling up, and all around strange bosses make it a very unique Zelda title. It contains a total of seven dungeons, all of which have “palace” in the name. Doesn’t “palace” sound more welcoming than “dungeon?”

What is Zelda Versus: Best Dungeon Tournament?

Zelda Versus is back with a bang, having the fans determine what their favorite dungeon is in the entire Zelda series based upon a tournament format. However, before the final bracket can be made we need first narrow down the dungeons to be included on the list. Instead of us deciding for you what the top dungeons are, we’re going to let you decide what dungeons get included. Here is how our preliminary round is going to work.

For 9 straight days we will be posting two Zelda Versus posts a day. These posts will be about a single game in the series and contain a poll with all the dungeons in the game. All dungeons will be considered – be them small or large. You will be allowed to vote for one dungeon (your favorite in the entire game). The two dungeons with the most votes in the poll will be moving on to the final bracket. There are currently 18 canon games in the series, leaving us with an expected total of 36 total dungeons in the final bracket. How those final dungeons are matched up will be determined by a random number generator (as in, we’ll assign a number to each title and basically pick the matchups out of a hat).

We’ll be doing the preliminary round in order of most recent release and going backwards until we end with The Legend of Zelda (NES). Once the 9 days are finished (final day is February 2nd), we’ll then be compiling the poll results for the final poll and launching the full tournament bracket on February 7th. The first round of that tournament will have two polls posted each day – similar to how the preliminary round worked. The second round will be one poll a day starting on February 16th. The third will begin on February 20th. The Championship round will take place on February 23rd.

Preliminary Round Polls:

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