When it comes to Link there are virtually two distinct versions of him in terms of how he is presented to the player and the world. There is a child like figure, sometimes referred to as young Link, and then the often teenage version of Link, known as adult Link. While both made an appearance in Ocarina of Time, they also make appearances throughout the whole series. Child Link is definitely the most prevalent, but adult Link is often seen in a majority of the 3D games – with Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and likely Zelda U from what we have seen. That means only two 3D Zelda game uses child Link exclusively in Majora’s Mask and The Wind Waker.

As far as were aware, nearly every single 2D iteration of Link features child Link – so he definitely gets his time to shine. It’s a really interesting question because you could argue each version represents a very different mindset among gamers. While I think I ultimately prefer adult Link, there is something about being a true kid and going out on an adventure that really appeals to me. So this week on ZI votes we pit the two most common versions of Link against each other. Which do you prefer?

*Note: While we traditionally feature images of last weeks poll results, we’ll be forgoing that until our internal poll system is fixed. However, the results of our last ZI Votes which asked you if you plan to purchase Tri Force Heroes can be seen here. In general, a majority of the 400+ votes planned to buy the game eventually, with 33% combined saying they likely won’t buy it.

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