Greetings, Zelda fans! I’m back to kick off yet another entry in ZI’s weekly Caption Contest. With the road to Breath of the Wild at its final stretch, Nintendo has graced me with plenty of screenshots to get us all the way to release. Last week highlighted the drama we’re due to see in the upcoming game, and this week will focus on one of the hopefully many boss characters.

Last Week’s Contest:

As mentioned by our friend Invisible Opinion, there was “some serious competition going on” last week. Thanks to everyone who participated.

By: Redead Link

By: Michael Rodriguez

By: pbrvs

By: Shadox

By: Matheas

And here are our non-photo caption winners:

  • Dylan: Link: “I promise Zelda, you’ll always be safe.”
    Zelda:” yes, but everyone doesn’t like my voice!”
    Link: “I love it.”
  • The Hero of Rhyme: “Me realizing I’m gonna have to stop checking Zelda Informer everyday to avoid spoilers”
  • Art1st4786: “But I wanna play it nooooow!”
  • TWOxACROSS: “And there was only one game out of two worth playing at launch” *sob*
  • Zelda_N64: Zelda: Me when I remember I don’t have a Wii U or money for a Switch/Breath of the Wild.

This Week’s Contest:

I wonder if that eye is his weak point.

Here are the guidelines:

  • Please refrain from using offensive material (racial, sexual, overuse of offensive language, etc.) We want to make the contest fun and accessible for fans of all ages. When in doubt, keep it Nintendo.
  • Keep the image as close as possible to its original form (minimal photo editing). This is the Caption Contest, our Photoshop Contest is held on Fridays.
  • If you don’t have the ability to edit the image, just leave it as a comment. We make sure to have a separate list of winners for this category.
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion at Zelda Informer. In fact, we encourage discussion based on those opinions. However, please do not insult other fans’ work. What may be funny to one person may not hold true for another…and that’s OK.
  • Have fun and be creative!

Don’t forget to check back throughout the week and upvote your favorites, and maybe you will be one of next week’s winners!

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