Tag: WiiU

Back at E3 the world was blown away by the Nintendo’s presentation of the Wii U. The release of a new console from Nintendo and all the cool features it brings with it is more than enough to get fans hyped up for a new console launch. From gaming in HD with motion controls to playing on a touch screen controller, Nintendo is living up to their quote about bringing creative and revolutionary ideas to the world of video gaming….

I think we’re at a bit of a turning point in the Zelda franchise. Nothing as major as a reinvention and it probably won’t mean any significant changes to the standard formula we’ve seen in every Zelda game, but a slightly new flavor in terms of the setting and story. I wrote a broad article about the future of Zelda in the past, but that was pre-Skyward Sword, and involved a lot of speculation and conjecture based on numerous factors…

In this mailbag we’re finally moving to a few more broad questions that aren’t about Skyward Sword, although that’s likely largely due to Hyrule Histora. Either way, most of the Skyward Sword questions are largely spoiler-free this time around, save for a few at the end. There’s 11 questions in all. View the mailbag here or check out the embed after the jump. Enjoy! Questions and timestamps: (00:15) – Do you think there will ever be a “Toon-style” 3D game…

Alright, another non-mailbag video for you guys. This one’s another video response to Cody of Zelda Universe, but in a number of ways it’s also its own video too, as I expanded off his topic a lot. Be sure to check out his video before watching this one. You can find my video after the jump. Basically for this video I’m discussing the near future of the Zelda series after Skyward Sword. The Wii U and 3DS are inevitably going…

Nick Cowen of The Guardian recently interviewed Skyward Sword producer Eiji Aonuma in preparation for the upcoming release and the twenty fifth anniversary. During the interview Aonuma mentioned that a few items intended for Skyward Sword actually had to be removed from the game but they just might appear in a future Zelda on the WiiU. I know what everyone is thinking, that this could be the mythic rocket fists talked about in the Iwata Asks interview a few weeks…