Tag: Nintendo UK

For those of you who cannot wait any longer for the release of The Wind Waker HD for Wii U, or those of you who just cannot get enough cosplay, Nintendo of the United Kingdom has recently posted an enjoyable video for you to watch.  During the MCM Comic Con of 2013 in London, Nintendo UK decided to ask many different fans of the Legend of Zelda series why they are excited to get their hands on the high definition…

NintendoWiiUUK uploaded a video onto their YouTube page of various Zelda fans responding to the question of why they’re looking forward to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. The reasons given range from “It might convince me to buy a Wii U” to simply “I can’t wait to play it again on a bigger, better TV with high-definition.” Oh, and I guess I should warn you: if you somehow still don’t know any major details about The Wind Waker‘s plot, there is a spoiler in this video.

On a side note, all of the interviewees are in cosplay too — mostly as Link, but I’ve gotta say: I’m loving that Guru-Guru and the Four Swords costumes.

So now I’ll turn the question back around to you. Why are you looking forward to The Wind Waker HD?