Tag: New Video

Note: This post has been updated with more details. Jump inside for more information. Just about every week Satoru Iwata calls a few of his employees in to sit down for his Iwata Asks segments. As the name implies, these sessions consist of Iwata interviewing his chosen people, mostly questioning them on their ongoing projects. Lately Iwata has been focusing more and more on The Legend of Zelda with todays session focusing on Skyward Sword. The interview even includes a…

UPDATE: Thanks to Zelda Dungeon Forum User Blubb we have a translation of the dialog found in this video. Make the jump to check it out. The people over at GoNintendo were sent a link to a great new video on Youtube of some new Zelda footage. The video was recorded at Nintendo’s private Zelda 25th anniversary party. It has some familiar gameplay, but includes tons of new stuff we haven’t seen yet. The video starts out with a gigantic…